Terms and conditions

The website www.pnbooking.com honors the rules and regulations of February 25 and 26 2013 law, laying down the legal framework for the fight against cyber-crime in the Member States of the CEEAC / CEMAC with respect to the rights and freedoms of individuals. It provides quality, availability, efficiency, speed, reliability and confidentiality of customer service through the complete examination of information and tools.
The company PNTEC hosts the site www.pnbooking.com and gathers all information. Therefore, this policy of confidentiality and protection of personal data is a way of communicating both the practices and policies of PNTEC regarding collection, processing and disclosure of information about its users.

Content and Website Access

Access to our website is completely free and safe continuously and permanently. However, possible inconveniences beyond PNTEC’s control may occur like breakdowns and technical interventions or maintenance and crucial updating to improve on the functioning of the website. PNTEC and all stakeholders involved in the creation of this website are not responsible for mistakes independent of their will or unavailability of certain information and will consequently give no direct or indirect guarantee.
Website users are required to comply with conditions of sale, otherwise they will face legal sanctions according to Cameroon laws on internet security and cybercrime, to that governing online trade as well as that relating IT communications regulations. Users must refrain from acts that could undermine privacy or ruin individual’s reputation through personal informations they access and misuse of this website.

Personal data

Immediately you decide to use our website www.pnbooking.com, you agree that PNTEC collects, use and publish personal information about you in the manner defined by this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, if you do not want your personal information disclosed to third parties, it is possible for you to oppose to it at the time of collection or at any time thereafter through a demand or an application. Personal informations are collected among others to track your orders and provide you with informations about our promotional offers. Correspondences and documents received or sent by email are kept for a period of one year before being archived.
However, you can have them deleted, updated or changed by sending us a request by email. Once your query is studied and treated, your new information will be updated automatically. Personal information that we use are: surname, name, phone number, e-mail...
A defined Permission of data sharing by us as part of subscribed services enables users to communicate with this website while respecting its rights. No other data transfer will therefore be carried out on this website without the specific consent of the company.
Information collected can be disclosed for following reasons:

  • if PNTEC strongly believes it is necessary to respect the law;
  • if legal proceedings are underway;
  • creating a customer profile;
  • execution of an order.

This Privacy Policy does not cover the use or disclosure by third parties since PNTEC does not control practices of third parties to which it transmits information about www.pnbooking.com users.
Please send an email to info@pnbooking.com if you need information about your personal data.

Safety and Navigation Comfort

This website proposes payment methods with absolute security through three main partners:

  • PayPal;
  • U–Collect (UBA) and

All payments are done in strict compliance with standards approved by MasterCard and VISA.
PNTEC will take measures to protect all information provided against any unauthorized access or user. However, we urge you to bear in mind that unencrypted data transmitted online cannot be 100% secure and they are potentially traceable and therefore usable by an unwanted user.
In order to ensure your account security, after visiting website please log out before leaving browser.
This website uses cookies to temporarily store technical information generated by visit of a user. To prevent deterioration of service fluidity, their acceptance is recommended. Moreover, these cookies do not store personal data and their use is limited only to technical dialogue between your computer and website. They are indispensable for current sessions, and are no longer applicable at the end of the session. However, you can delete them with ad-hoc functions of your browser.

Warning: responsibility for content and links

Our page contents were prepared with great care. Nevertheless, we can not ensure accuracy or take responsibility for contents posted on our page by third parties over which we have no influence. Under these conditions, please remember that we are not obliged to follow information provided by third parties, or investigate when they appear illegal. Under applicable laws, we are not forced to remove or block use of information that is not prohibited by law.
We are not responsible for external content links that appear on our website. However, in case of finding of a legal violation, the link will be deleted with immediate effect.

Modification and Privacy Policy updating

This privacy policy provides you with the professional practices within PNTEC. Therefore, use of this website shows that you accept collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. This policy is subjected to revision and update, in this case, new versions will be put online immediately, together with the modification date. Always make sure you are seeing the latest version whenever you log in.
Our primary goal is to always supply you with authentic and updated information. We are open and available, wherever possible, to take into account the various opinions brought to our attention. Please leave your suggestions at info@pnbooking.com.